Saturday, October 02, 2010

, originally uploaded by Dan Lilly.

The people sitting next to us ask if we wouldn't mind switching seats with their branch president. So we end up on the main floor. People rise as some of the Apostles walk in and take their seats. I see something that ALWAYS make me laugh. An idiot is on a cell phone and waiving her hand. "look, I'm waving now, see me? down HERE". Then there are three more waving. Morons! I look where the General Authorities are seated and Elders Packer and Perry are TEXTING on their Blackberries. SO cool.

Now EVERYBODY rises as President Monson enters with his counsellors and they take their seats.

Conference begins and I am disappointed to find out the choir I assumed was the Tabernacle Choir, isn't. It's a family choir from Sandy and Draper, but let me tell you, they were wonderful. I voted to sustain everybody and thank some people. There are a couple of "are you kidding me?" moments as I see camera flashes during the session. I will admit to two "I woke up when my head nodded" moments. I felt bad for the two 10 year-old girls seated in front of me who were completely bored.

The session ends and we head out. There are 25,000 people moving on sidewalks outside and some idiots STILL decide to stop and chat, blocking half the sidewalk. ARRRRGH! We go back into Temple Square to grab the cooler and a backpack with my camera. I HATE crowds and trying to move through/with them and I'm kinda thinking it isn't worth the hassle, but then I see a guy playing a cello as the throng moves by.

I smile, grab my camera, and start shooting. Then I went over and tossed three dollars into the cello case. "Thank you" he says. The song he was playing?

I am a child of God.

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