Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm lying on my back in bed all toasty warm and feeling like a post so you get one. I love you iBook.

This cold I have is in it's last days and something I ate kept me up all night so I called in sick. They never believe you when you call in sick and they seem to get annoyed but they can't deny sick leave and I have big sick leave balance and I'm very fortunate to have a job that allows this situation.

My wife comes home on Sunday. After all the worry it seems that the problem may have been a potentially lethal combination of prescription medicine. When they took my mother-in-law to her arthritis doctor he went threw the roof. He saw the meds she was taking. He said that the combination was poisoning her and he felt that was the whole problem.

All of the tests that she has been through for cancer have been negative so far.

I am sure that had my wife not gone down when she did her mother might very well have died. My wife seems to be the strong one of the family and seeing that she knew she had little time down there she set up appointments and forced her mother to go. Another factor was probably money.

So all seems to be a mood of relief now and my wife says she misses me and her grandchildren. She said it in that order but I'm sure the reverse order is the correct order.

I cannot thank you all enough for your warm wishes and prayers during this time of wory for us. Mine are always there when/if you need them my friends,

I am happy to read all is well and your wife is coming home. That, and I'm bummed that I won't see you this summer!! This one time I go to Vancouver and you won't be there!!! Not. Fair.


and I'm sure she loves you more... probably
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