Friday, January 13, 2006

Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
What's" Your Hidden Talent?
Trust me boys and girls. Aint nothing hidden about rocking the boat.
I have world class talent when it comes to rocking the boat.
And as far as behind the scenes?
I'm the most in your face kinda guy that people in my line of work have ever seen.
A supervisor told me that my problem was that I see the glass half empty.
My response?
Show me the fucking glass first.
The same supervisor told me that I was a natural leader and should apply to be a supervisor.
My response?
What you just described me as rules me out because that aint what they're looking for.
THEN she told me that I should learn to "play the game".
My response?
I'm too busy doing the JOB to be playing silly games.

Yeah playin the game just ain't healthy son.

Zona! Wickenburg here. I was always demanding the whole glass and I wanted it filled with good ale, so that left me out of playing the game realistically. On the other hand, well, I did become a "team player" of sorts, in the sense that I ran a unit in the library and got the job done. But, I ran it in ways which perterbed the bosses. Performance Appraisal? Hey, if you weren't fucking up and making everyone else work to cover for you, you were doing a superb job. Of course, that's not what the divide and rule gaem of PAs was about. I always encouraged people at work to unionize too. Hell, it's a democracy, right? Wrong. It ain't no democracy at work, especially when you don't even have a union of your fellow workers to *negotiate* your conditions of wage-slavery! Course, I was IWW..ultimate aim was to abolish wages system all together. Soli, baby...must tend the laundry now.
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