Friday, January 06, 2006

Went to a retirement dinner last night for the person who makes our office function, the secretary. She's worth her weight in gold and the boss, who isn't even worth his weight in donkey puke, gives a lame speech and shit. I was gonna say a few words at the open mike like I'm always tempted to but I didn't and I'm always grateful after that I didn't. Just a bunch of people who I don't want or care to impress.

I said what I wanted to the lady in private and she gave me a big hug.

So in FIFTEEN years when I get to retire I wonder how many people I don't give a shit about show up.

Jen on her blog unsafesane hit it right on the head when she said that friendship is more a thing of convenience. When they're around they're your friends but separation ends it all. I have a lot of convenience in my life and damned few that I keep in touch with after.

Bloggers are different. We don't ask much of each other and what we get is genuine for the most part and I tell you guys FAR more than I tell most people I know face to face.

But then again, I'm an asshole.

I probably won't have a retirement party and if I do it will be at Caesars in Vegas and I will be in Gold Lamme'. Of course nobody will show because of the INconvenience and that will be fine. Strippers, I am told, just love men in gold lamme'.

You'll wow em!!!!!!!!!
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