Saturday, January 07, 2006

All this talk on mortality is due to me picking 10 people who will die this year.

And seeing that it's a contest with a prize you can kinda say that I'm rooting for people to kick off.

Go team go!!

YAY team!!

Then again there's the old question of what happens when we die. And it gets into teams again. Teams called religion. One team wins the championship and everybody else is f'ed. Of course I'm disgruntled so no matter what happens to me if the popular belief of a creator is actually true me and him/her are gonna have a long conversation dominated by "why did this special spirit die so young when you allowed THIS other sorry SOB to screw up so many people"?

THEN there's the ol' karma/reincarnation theory and I get to come back as something else. That oughta be loads of fun. Some figure with lots of arms tells me that because of what I've done I will come back to life as a head of cattle. "That's GREAT says I. Cattle are holy creatures in India. People will feed me and bath me and paint me on holidays and....." That's where the many armed one interrupts and tell me the BAD news. I'm a head of cattle in Dodge City, Kansas.

my friend Joe says death is just "Shutting down" like windows shut down. And all the rest, is just a program our mind runs to shut down properly.
Cruel eh?
I always liked George Carlin's bit about the church that worshipped frisbees.

The believe that when you die your soul goes up on the roof and nobody can get it down.
My sole is on the bottom of my foot.
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