Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So I slept in until 8 this morning which may not sound late to YOU but when you consider that I usually get up at 3:30 my 8 equates to noon to most of you. There are too many assholes who want to come see me at 5am so I gotta get up at 3:30. Some actually say dumbass things like "gee, you're up early" to which I respond "thanks to you" and I put a look on my face that screams "you're a fucking asshole" but it flies right over them because most of them are fucking morons in the MIDDLE of the day and here it is 5am.

Anywho Charly Garcia is my background music this morning. The unplugged CD he did for Spanish MTV. Charly is the Argentine John Lennon. Very talented but very much more tormented than the Brittish version. Lots of alcohol and drugs and a stint in a mental institution. Lots of cancelled concerts but in his prime he was amazing. If you're cruising the music downloading sites later try "la sal no sala", "no soy extrano", or "los dinosaurios". Los Dinosaurios is a tune he wrote for all the people who disappeared in Argentina's dirty war. If you grew up religious like I did you've heard the phrase "feel the spirit" The "spirit" is supposed to reveal the truth of the thing to your soul. I've never felt the spirit in a religious setting but I alway feel it when I hear "Los Dinosaurios".

Here's an interesting note since we're talking about Argentina. During the Falklands war all things British were banned in Argentina. That included all music. Of course since the United States backed England all American music was tossed as well. The ban continued for some time after the war ended. What that did was focus Argentine kids on what Argentine musicians were creating. Charly was famous BEFORE that time already so he wasn't effected as mush as others but the impact of that censorship of external music was the explosion of the Argentine music scene. Now EVERYBODY would agree that the war as all wars is tragedy but I just thought that small effect was interesting.

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